Regardless of whether your school is concerned with the Common Core / Career-College Readiness Standards, if you are on a very limited budget, we recommend this software over all others. This is because vocabulary knowledge is one of the best predictors of reading comprehension, writing fluency, math, and success in learning science and history.
The Vocabulary DVTs are unique in that they incorporate key thinking strategies targeted by the K-12 Common Core Language Arts Standards (e.g., summarizing key ideas about a term’s definition, asking and answering questions, making comparisons, as well as forming and checking inferences or predictions about the meaning of unfamiliar terms. Because the program includes a series of leveled Vocabulary DVTs that reflect a simple-to-sophisticated sequence, they are ideal for use when differentiating instruction. Likewise, some of the DVTs are designed for use at the beginning of a lesson to review critical previously taught terms and/or pre-teach the meaning of new terms that will be encountered during the lesson. Others are designed for use during the heart of the lesson, and some are designed for use at the end of a lesson to facilitate reflective reviews of the meaning of new terms and to “anchor” their precise definitions.
In addition, the program includes a range of Vocabulary DVTs designed for teaching some of the underlying language skills associated with learning new terms and are ideal for use in students’ word-banks (e.g., DVTs that focus on word types, word-substitutions, as well as knowledge of adjective and adverb extremes, word tenses).
The program features a series of digital DVTs in the form of interactive PDF files and ready-to-use Power Point files with built-in animation features) as well as samples of how teachers have used each of them. Because they are digital files, teachers or students can use a keyboard to type information directly into the text boxes on the DVT. Likewise, you can email copies of the DVTs to students, so they can use them when completing assignments outside of the classroom, and students can submit the completed work electronically. When you develop a DVT for specific instructional units, you can save your completed (or partially completed) DVTs to a folder that contains other related unit information and files.
The Power Point versions are ideal for use with White Boards, Promethium Boards, and LCD projectors when displaying a DVT to a class and developing the information on it during a class activity.
The interactive PDF file versions of the DVTs work with Macs, PCs and most importantly tablets such as iPads. These are ideal for “paperless” schools. The blackline versions are more appropriate for printing hard copies to share with your students.
The licensed user (teacher) may make and distribute copies of the Vocabulary DVTs to students for whom s/he is responsible for teaching, but the DVTs may not be shared with non-licensed teachers or students not on the licensed teacher’s role. The software may be loaded on the licensed-teacher’s classroom computers (with the exception of computer labs) and on the teacher’s personal computer.
Available for immediate download at
For multi-user license quote, email ([email protected]) or call Linda (205) 394-5514.
Purchase orders accepted. P.O. 147 Northport, AL 35476
Fax (855) -394-5514